Friday, August 2, 2019

My One Word for 2019 - Surrender!

My Word for 2019! For 2018 my One Word for the year has been ABIDE, and truly, I have tried very hard to abide in God's word.  I would say I did okay, but of course, being human, I did fail occasionally!  Do I think it made a huge difference in my life?  Well, on a day to day basis, maybe not in ways that I can see but certainly overall, I have noticed some changes.

For example, as I go through the Bible again, I am reading stuff in there that NEVER caught my attention before.  Just the other day, I was reading about Moses giving the 10 Commandments from God to the Israelites.  I always assumed Moses brought these to the people.  I never realized that God actually spoke the 10 Commandments to the people, prior to Moses bringing the tablets down to them (Exodus 20). That astounded me.

Another example, someone close to me told me off and said some really mean things, for something they felt I should have done, or handled differently and in how I did things, this person felt rejected and hurt.  I knew that they were speaking out of their own experiences and their own hurts.  They were trying to wound with things that would have wounded me in the past, with the intention of moving me to act as they would have me, or make me do something rash to make them feel differently about me.  But, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace.  I did not feel manipulated into an unwise action, even though I believe that was their intent.  I did not believe what they said about me to be true.  I had confidence in that moment, that what they were saying was not truth and I truly felt unmoved.  I mean unmoved in being hurt and manipulated and in my belief of who I am in Christ.  Not unmoved, in feeling no sympathy for them and their response.  I was not wounded by their words.  THAT, I believe, has come from ABIDING in God's word.  It is nothing that I have done differently.  I have not been telling myself in the mirror every day that I am acceptable and worthy, no!  It has come from abiding in God's word, and He has wrought that change from inside.

So, another new year is just around the corner and I see others are posting their "One Word for the Year" posts and it got me to thinking about what it is that I feel needs the most attention spiritually in my life...  I mulled over it for a bit.  I considered where I am standing right now in my walk.  What goes on in my thoughts?  What unnerves me and ties me up in knots?

I think, for me, its that I don't feel like my faith, what I read in God's word, the truth that I know from past experience, is translating into my attitude.  I'm not sure if that makes sense.  What I mean is, if everything feels as though it is going wrong today, my go to emotion is frustration, anger at the Lord, annoyance, feeling that my little problems are obviously NOT important to God (and thus I am unimportant to Him).... See where I am going with this?  My attitude sucks!!!  

I thought then that maybe "attitude" ought to be my word for the year.  But I felt God wanted me to press in deeper.  Changing my attitude is/can be an act of my will, something I can practice and that is not a bad thing.  But, I want that change to come from inside and become part of who I am.  So that, when circumstances suck - my attitude doesn't!  The word that came to mind is......


I can only imagine SURRENDER is not going to be easy!  But I also feel in surrendering myself to God, surrendering myself to His truth, to His faithfulness, to His grace and mercy, surrendering myself to His will, will have changes so monumental in me, that my attitude will be forever changed.

So, my "One Word" for the previous years have been:
2018 - Abide
2017 - Consistency
2016 - Choice
2015 - Wisdom
2014 - Joy
2013 - Trust
2012 - Content

And now, for 2019, my "One Word for the Year" is SURRENDER!

Surrender encompasses so many facets
  • Trust
  • Faith
  • Dependence
  • Humility
  • Speaking what is truth despite what is circumstance
I am sure there is more to this list.  My goal for 2019 is to work on SURRENDERING all to Christ and learning all the facets of that because my relationship with Jesus is what gives me life and I want my life and how I live it to bring attention to Christ and His saving grace.  I can't do that with a bad attitude!

What is your one word for 2019?

God bless

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